Game-based and playful Approaches to Mathematics Education (GAME), Roma

9-10, September 2024, Università degli Studi di Roma – La Sapienza, Roma, Italy

GAME wants to provide an opportunity for Mathematics Education researchers engaged in investigations, or interested in the application, of games and playful learning in mathematics education to meet. GAME aims: to stimulate discussions on the theoretical foundations of game-based learning (GBL) and playful learning, and the findings obtained so far; to make explicit new topics emerging from recent research; to share the results of the latest experiments and empirical findings carried out at an international level.

Members of the Organizing Committee
Annalisa Cusi (Italy)
Andrea Maffia (Italy)
Sonia Palha (The Netherlands)
Anna-Marietha Vogler (Germany)

Members of the Local Organizing Committee
Annalisa Cusi
Andrea Maffia
Silvia Baccaro
Luigi Bernardi
Francesco Contel
Andrea Ligabue
Cintia Scafa Urbaez Vilchez
Liliana Silva

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